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A Marriage Story

A Marriage Story

Many things can happen in 35 years of marriage: from moments of absolute harmony to dramatic fights. But during most of the time, this couple takes care of the day-to-day while they raise their kids, look after their home or work at their furniture shop.

Dir. Helena Třestíková - 102min - 2017 - Czech Republic

"Seeing people change over long periods of time is inherently dramatic: the time itself provides a narrative arc and turns filmed subjects into heroes." - Modern Times Review

A Marriage Story
  • A Marriage Story (Press 'cc' for English Subtitles)

    Dir. Helena Třestíková - 102min - 2017 - Czech Republic

    In 35 years of one couple's shared life, a lot of things happen: from the moments of an absolute harmony to the dramatic falls. For the most of the time, the couple cares for common daily life issues and joys that come together with raising...


  • A Marriage Story - Trailer

    In 35 years of one couple's shared life, a lot of things happen: from the moments of an absolute harmony to the dramatic falls. For the most of the time, the couple cares for common daily life issues and joys that come together with raising the children, running the household or running a busines...